In 1942 McGill University had a Masonic Club. It was in it's 19th year. Their purpose was ... "to keep the student Mason in touch with the Craft during his attendance at college. This the club has attempted to do, in so in spite of the increasing demands made by the War on its members. University Lodge is the sponsor of the Masonic Club, and Club members are urged to look on University Lodge as their "Masonic home" while at McGill."
While I cannot find a reference to a Masons Club in University of Toronto's 1936 Year Book, 42 separate "fraternity" clubs are listed with names like Phi Delta Theta and Beta Theta Pi. I bet a Masons Club existed there too and still does
Who are the Masons? Freemasonry was first established in London in 1717. It's evolution represented a response to men's social need to organize themselves into some kind of brotherhood during a period when the dominant social ethic was becoming individualism. Individualistic, theistic and anti-Catholic, the Masons organized a collective infused with brotherly humanism and based on elaborate ritual. The Odd Fellows, the Woodmen and scores of other societies adopted many of the Masonic principles such as their three-degree initiation rite, secret passwords, special handshakes and promises to aid one another in times of sickness or distress. The expressed purpose of the masons is to make a man a better man - a better husband, a better father, a better community member, a better citizen. The Masons do not seek new members (although this may have changed recently), new members seek out the Masons.
Hundreds of fraternal organizations were formed in the Americas in the 1870s and 80s including many temperance and literary groups. Some form of life insurance was often offered to members as "benefits".
One of these many fraternal benefit societies formed in 1882 was the Knights of Columbus with which I am very familiar. As a member of the K of C, and Roman Catholic, I am forbidden to join the Masons because of the wide gulf in spiritual beliefs. The Masons are deemed "deists" proclaiming only a common belief in a master creator - whatever you wish to call her/him - God, Allah etc. Even some of the Protestant denominations label masonry as occultish and pagan like. However the Church of England is known as being a strong upholder. Many Anglicans have been masons for many generations. My Grandpa on the other side is White Burton Morgan, an Anglican minister. He may have been a Mason.
With this brief introduction, it is very interesting that we have a number of known Masons in both the Ward and Finnie families: Sydney M, R. Gordon W. and Alex Finnie. There were undoubtedly more, perhaps Samuel H. himself and several more of his sons and brothers.
A Lodge is the basic organizational unit. Sydney M. belonged to the Westmount Lodge: ; R. Gordon. belonged to the Waverly Lodge: ; and, Alex Finnie likely belonged at the time of his death to one of the many Victoria, BC area lodges:
Hence these three at least must have known the secret handshake, passwords and rituals and have been able to discuss this together freely over a beer or coffee. One or more may have been a Grand Master meaning they presided over a Grand Lodge. There would have been many social events to which wives were likely invited. Networking and many dinners would have been had. A secret society to which we Wards and Finnies belonged - very interesting connections here.
The Mason seeing eye.
In the previous image, the compass and square represent the link to the middle ages stone mason Craft from which the Freemasons sprung. The "G" may stand for God or Good.
Grandmaster, and others in Masonic Hall.
No secrets here!
Are there any current Masons in the family? Please correct my musings on this topic.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Monday, February 9, 2015
Charles Kenneth Ward Early Pictures
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Alfred David Morgan
Alfred David Morgan, my father was born on April 14, 1921 in Vankleek Hill, a small town in Eastern Ontario. His dad was Rev. White Burton Morgan, an Anglican minister. His mom was Bella Mae Vallillee. They had moved from Hartland, NB presumably because White became the pastor or assistant at the local Anglican church.
Alf had 3 older sisters: Lois, Vera and Barbara. He had an older brother Burton and a younger one Reg. Hence they were a typical semi-rural large family. They had a dog named ginger. Life for Alf must have involved family meals, school, chores and Sunday school. One thing became quickly clear, young Alf liked sports.
We next find the family living on Fourth Ave in McKellar Park in Ottawa's Westboro community. White had become the pastor at St Martin's Anglican which is now the Hulse and Playfair Funeral Home corner of Woodroffe and Byron Ave. Alf progressed through grade school at Broadview Ave Public which is being designated a heritage site:
In 1933 he entered Nepean HS right next door. He played on the basketball team and played golf frequently at the nearby McKellar Park GC which no longer exists. (There is an old sign from this club in the bar at Pine Lodge in Bristol, PQ.) In the 1930s he wins the R. H. Montgomery Trophy for low net and with partner Miss B. Kendrick finishes second in the low net couples. I have a certificate saying that he had a hole in one at McKellar Park as well as another one in 1948 at the Chaudieu GC (pre-cursor of the Chaudiere in Hull, PQ I think). There are photos of him with a tennis racket too. He loved sports but golf was his first love.
He must have done reasonably well in HS as his parents sent him off to McGill U in Montreal in 1939 for an Arts Degree. While at McGill he was the Sports Editor for the McGill Daily student newspaper for several years. His graduation book message in 1942 reads: " Associate Editor, McGill Daily 1940-42; Inter-company Football; Men's Historical Club 1940-42; Basketball Referee 1940-41; Co-Editor Leonard Foundation Annual 1941-42; expects to do post-grad work at McGill."
But then the War intervened. On campus there had been 6 hours of military training per week and Inter-Varsity sports had been curtailed. On Dec 13, 1942 Alf joined the Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve (RCNVR) as a Sub-Lieutenant in the Special Branch. Many of his friends must have joined the forces too, some of whom would never return. I am not sure how he got there but he spent most of his subsequent war years at Fort Pepperrell in the Signals group of the North Atlantic Division. The base building is now a community centre in beautiful Quidi Vidi just outside St. John's, NL. I have his badge and two war medals. They indicate that he served "overseas" since Newfoundland was a British protectorate then and hence was considered to be overseas He was subsequently appointed to the rank of full Lieutenant with seniority dating from July 1943 by Defence Minister Paul Hellyer in 1963.
The standing joke Alf had about when he served in Newfoundland was that he had 40 women under him! It was sometime during this hay day period that he met Mary Ward from Montreal. She was a pretty RN serving at the Naval hospital in Shelbourne, NS. There must have been many parties while on leave that occasioned their meeting. Well their romance blossomed, they both survived the War and were to be married in Montreal in December 1945.
Alf resigned from the RCNVR immediately following the War and took advantage of some bursaries and reduced tuition for forces members reintegrating in Canadian society after the War. He was accepted at Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto. He headed down there and lived at 22 Prince Arthur Ave just west of the formerly trendy Oakville. Mary initially stayed in Montreal planning their 1945 wedding. Then she joined him and helped pay the bills as a store nurse and stenographer. They lived at 142 Wellesley St E near cabbage town in Toronto.
Upon law school graduation Alf landed a job in the Foreign Exchange Control Board of the Bank of Canada in Ottawa as a solicitor. However, just after I was born in 1950, the Board was disbanded and Alf had to scramble to find a new job. He contacted friend Don Dipblock from his McGill days who was working with the City of Ottawa Legal Department. "Dippy" as mom used to call him helped Alf get a job as assistant city solicitor in their legal department. Alf spent 15 years working on such projects as the creation of the Sparks Street Mall and expropriation of land needed to construct the Queensway (Hwy 417) across Ottawa in the early 1960s. There is a letter or two on file from very satisfied citizens thanking Alf and his secretary for good service. During these years he would moonlight, doing conveyance and title searches for clients during the evenings. I remember visiting his new office in the new Ottawa city hall building that was built for $4 million on Greens Island in the early 1960s. In those days they had to work 5 1/2 days a week and there was no dress down Fridays! The Federal government now owns this attractive building.
We initially lived at 375 Mayfair Ave before moving in 1952 to a brand new bungalow at 905 Mountainview Ave which was way out in the new west end. Kim was born in 1953 and we lived happily there until moving to new split level in 1958 at 2300 Georgina Dr just around the corner. Dad and mom had bought a big corner lot, subdivided it and we moved to one corner of it while another new house was put up next door.
Alf joined the prestigious Rivermead GC in March 1955. I still have his ownership share worth $100. He played with his buddies one of whom was Hugh Riopelle, uncle of Rev. Tom Riopelle, our former Nepean parish priest. In 1958, he won the annual Beef and Greens tournament Walter J. Williamson Trophy for low net. I remember him playing every Weds PM, Saturday and Sunday mornings ... forever. In the spring, he would go for a week to Southern Pines, SC and play 36 holes a day with his golf buddies. Towards the end I would caddy for him and could hardly wait for the coke and chocolate bar snacks at the end. When someone sunk a long put in those days they would yell out "Lafayette, we are here! When I do that now, people don't know what I am talking about.
He was also an avid curler and belonged to the Rideau Curling Club. Mom did not curl or golf much but must have attended some of the frequent socials. He was also a member of the Canadian Club which bills itself as a prestigious meeting place for the inquiring and influential. They host speakers, networking events and hospitality. There is no mention of him being a Mason. Cousin Barbara Morgan says there were a few Masons on the Vallillee of the family though.
One of the neat things we had was one of those 8 mm movie cameras that dad bought when they were all the rage in the 60s. I have a extended film of these family memories that still works. It includes scene's of Alf and friends golfing in S.C., the Queen Mother's visit to Ottawa in 1962, ... and Alf's thumb slipping in front of the lens blocking the scene he was trying to shooting. Will have to get this converted to DVD someday.
He was a big fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs and Ottawa Roughriders. When Frank Mahovolich used to score with that blazing slapshot, dad would run upstairs and jump into my bed yelling "Mahovolitch, he scores!!!" He and mom had 50 yard line season tickets for the Riders games for several years. After they won the Grey Cup in 1960 dad took me to the victory luncheon. I can still remember seeing Russ Jackson. Ronny Stewart, Kay Vaughn and all the big stars at that event. He wasn't much of a church goer though. His first love on Sundays being the golf course.
In 1965 he bought a used Acadian Beaumont, a G.M. vehicle out for the first model year. Prior to that we had had a 1956 or 57 Buick and earlier a 1953 Ford which caused us lot's of car trouble.
We were a happy middle class family with a stay at home mom and a rarely at home father. Then Dad got ill. Initially they sent him to a chiropractor to deal with the pain he had in his hip and lower back. It was cancer and they had misdiagnosed it. He did get radiation therapy eventually but it was not as advanced in those days and it was too late. In 1965 at the tender age of 44 he passed away. We were all devastated. But, thanks to mom's hard work, we survived.
His death notice and obituary.
In it's 1965 year end bulletin, the Rivermead Golf Club members had this to say about him:
"That was sad, the passing of our friend, Alf Morgan...and only 44. Our deepest sympathy to his nice little wife and children - what a shock. Alf loved golf and, when he was hitting them and had a nice fat cigar in his mouth, everything was singing. It was nice to have known a friendly chap like Alf. There are too many sour-pusses in the world."
I still do miss you dad after all these years. Dad was a fun loving guy and it rubbed off on me - the love of golf too. We were so happy to have known you and to have seen that you had a lot of fun. I know you are still playing golf somewhere really great on Sunday mornings! And curling too!
Barbara Morgan and I believe this to be Alf left and Burt right playing in Vankleek Hill circa 1923 |
Circa 1930 |
Age 16, 1937 |
Alf as young man circa 1939 |
St John the Apostle Anglican Church, Vankleek Hill today |
With Bella and brother Burt 1930s |
Alf third from right, front row |
HS Prom 1939 |
With another girlfriend in 1942 (sorry Mom) |
McGill Arts Grad 1942 |
Cool dresser |
Alf at HMCS Corwallis Ottawa for training 1943, 2nd from left front row |
Joker Morgan with trademark cigar |
That's more like it! |
Fun times |
1944 |
The Happy Couple |
Mary, White, Bella and Alf circa 1949 |
We initially lived at 375 Mayfair Ave before moving in 1952 to a brand new bungalow at 905 Mountainview Ave which was way out in the new west end. Kim was born in 1953 and we lived happily there until moving to new split level in 1958 at 2300 Georgina Dr just around the corner. Dad and mom had bought a big corner lot, subdivided it and we moved to one corner of it while another new house was put up next door.
1950 |
Dec 53 with Kim and me the sad camper at 905 |
Alf, Bella, me, White circa 1953 |
At Aunt Barbara Morgan's for dinner |
He was also an avid curler and belonged to the Rideau Curling Club. Mom did not curl or golf much but must have attended some of the frequent socials. He was also a member of the Canadian Club which bills itself as a prestigious meeting place for the inquiring and influential. They host speakers, networking events and hospitality. There is no mention of him being a Mason. Cousin Barbara Morgan says there were a few Masons on the Vallillee of the family though.
One of the neat things we had was one of those 8 mm movie cameras that dad bought when they were all the rage in the 60s. I have a extended film of these family memories that still works. It includes scene's of Alf and friends golfing in S.C., the Queen Mother's visit to Ottawa in 1962, ... and Alf's thumb slipping in front of the lens blocking the scene he was trying to shooting. Will have to get this converted to DVD someday.
He was a big fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs and Ottawa Roughriders. When Frank Mahovolich used to score with that blazing slapshot, dad would run upstairs and jump into my bed yelling "Mahovolitch, he scores!!!" He and mom had 50 yard line season tickets for the Riders games for several years. After they won the Grey Cup in 1960 dad took me to the victory luncheon. I can still remember seeing Russ Jackson. Ronny Stewart, Kay Vaughn and all the big stars at that event. He wasn't much of a church goer though. His first love on Sundays being the golf course.
In 1964 |
We were a happy middle class family with a stay at home mom and a rarely at home father. Then Dad got ill. Initially they sent him to a chiropractor to deal with the pain he had in his hip and lower back. It was cancer and they had misdiagnosed it. He did get radiation therapy eventually but it was not as advanced in those days and it was too late. In 1965 at the tender age of 44 he passed away. We were all devastated. But, thanks to mom's hard work, we survived.
His death notice and obituary.
In it's 1965 year end bulletin, the Rivermead Golf Club members had this to say about him:
"That was sad, the passing of our friend, Alf Morgan...and only 44. Our deepest sympathy to his nice little wife and children - what a shock. Alf loved golf and, when he was hitting them and had a nice fat cigar in his mouth, everything was singing. It was nice to have known a friendly chap like Alf. There are too many sour-pusses in the world."
I still do miss you dad after all these years. Dad was a fun loving guy and it rubbed off on me - the love of golf too. We were so happy to have known you and to have seen that you had a lot of fun. I know you are still playing golf somewhere really great on Sunday mornings! And curling too!
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Wikitree Family Tree
Here is a link to the Ward/Finnie family tree I have been able to build so far. There is much more recent data to add, but it's a start. I will be updating it as time permits.
Let me know if you can see it OK or have any suggestions or questions. Thanks for your interest.
Let me know if you can see it OK or have any suggestions or questions. Thanks for your interest.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Mary Ward Morgan Darling
My mom. This get's a bit harder now to write. Her death is more recent and I have such an abundance of material and personal memories to choose from...
Marie Ward (Feb 22, 1921 - Sept 13, 2011) was the first child of Sydney and Mary Ward. Her brother Charles was born a year later and Sydney (Bud) 6 years later, all in Montreal. She was baptized on April 14 at Chalmers Presbyterian Church in Verdun.
In 1921 Canada's population was 8,787,949, a litre of gas cost $0.08, William Lyon Mackenzie King becomes Prime Minister and the Ottawa Senators beat Vancouver in the Stanley Cup (yea!). Rocket Richard was born this year and it is also George Washington's birthday.
She was a happy child it seems. She had two younger brothers to care for and loving parents. They had a black terrier called Tarbush. Notre Dame de Grace was a growing English suburb of Montreal to live in. She had lot's of friends. She went to a local grade school and Kensington First Presbyterian Church. The family would sit around the radio at night listening to Buster Keaton. On Sunday, Pop would take them all for a drive and then it would be roast beef for dinner.
Her Ward grandparents were frequent visitors and she must have gone to their place often too. Not sure about where Grandma Finnie lived then, but I am sure she was in young Mary's life too.
Life was not always perfect though. One day Mary did a handstand in the living room, toppled over and
put her feet through the lampshade! Her parents were furious! She spent Christmas 1928 in the hospital recovering from treatment for Ménière`s disease, an inner ear disorder that causes vertigo. In 1937 she had been selected at school to go to the Coronation of George VI in London:
When she told Pop, he felt Charles should go instead, not her. Charles went and she didn't. She must have felt deflated and hurt over this. During summer the family would usually go to Cape Cod (Mrs. Crotchet's Cottages, Pine Lodge on the Ottawa R. near Bristol, PQ or to the Laurentians for a family vacation.
In June 1938 she graduated with her Eleventh Year Certificate in the Academic and General stream from West Hill High School. In 1939 she was a chorus member in the school production of The Pirates of Penzance and received her Twelfth Year Certificate However, she had to go to summer school that year to upgrade her math to passing grade. She then spent one year in Arts at McGill. She had always been interested in art - painting. At that point I believe she contemplated a career as a commercial artist and enrolled in art school for 6 months. I have paintings dated from 1939 an earlier as well as oodles of sketch books and raw unfinished paintings if anyone is interested. Not exactly sure what happened but she subsequently decided on a career in nursing. It may be that she was merely waiting to get into the school in April 1940. In Feb 1943 she graduated from the Montreal General Hospital winning the Webster prize for the highest aggregate standing in Special Services over three years. In April she passed fifth out of 120 in the her R.N. exam for the Province of Quebec.
After working as an R.N. in the MGH's OR, she joined the Navy in May 1944. The war years brought turmoil - and lot's of great parties. Mary was sent to Shelburne, NS to work in the naval hospital tending to the wounded. It was while there that she met Alfred Morgan, RCNR (my dad) who was stationed at Fort Pepperrel in St. John's, Nfld. Not sure how or where they met, likely at one of those parties. Mom was also dating an Al Davis. She received a post card one day saying "See you on Saturday......A." She did not know if it was Alfred or Alan and was of course afraid to mention it to either one beforehand in case it was the other A! I forget which A it was but my vote is for Alf.
She married Alfred of Ottawa on December 29, 1945 at Kensington Presbyterian Church in Montreal. Margaret Dewar was Maid of Honour and Howard Jones, Best Man. They went to NYC for their honeymoon at the Waldorf -Astoria Hotel (I think). They then moved to Toronto so Alf could study law at Osgoode Hall. Mary worked as a store nurse for Simpson's and possibly as a stenographer to pay the bills. After graduation and articling they moved Ottawa where Alf got a job with the Bank of Canada. The Division he worked for closed down shortly after but he got a job with the Ottawa Legal Department through Don Diplock a buddy from McGill.
David Ward Morgan is born April 23, 1950 when they lived on Mayfair Ave in Ottawa. Kimberley Anne is born on November 8, 1953 after they had moved further west in town.
In 1952, they had a modest bungalow built at 905 Mountain View Ave in Ottawa's growing west end.
I can remember it well. Mary was the proverbial stay at home mother and we were well cared for by her and dad.
In 1958, we all moved to a new house built especially for us at 2300 Georgina Dr. on a section of our sub-divided lot around the corner. In 1963, our house and Mom were the subject of an article in the Ottawa Journal Your Home weekend section. It was quite a splash. Mom had apparently planned the layout (split level with 3 bedrooms), did all the painting and wall papering, filled it with paintings and proudly showed it all off. Kim and I got to revisit the house when it was up for sale in about 2007. It still looked great.
Mary was a founding member of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church. The
church started off in D. Roy Kennedy Public School in 1955 with a dozen
families and 20 children in Sunday School. In 1958 Rev Bill Duffy takes
over and energizes the congregation. On Jan 6 1960, they opened their
own church building next door to the school. The construction costs
were $115,000 and made used of evolutionary double T-bar pre-cast concrete
beams so that there was no need for view obstructing columns inside. I
remember Mom teaching Sunday school and bringing the collection home to
be counted for years. She later worked as the church secretary, became a Trustee
and wrote a history of the church in 1996. In 2002 they added a second
floor for increased Sunday school use purposes. She stayed in touch with the Duffys
after they moved to Kingston in 1977 and later retired. She was an avid "weight watcher" and attended slim and trim classes over many years.
Tragically Alfred died of cancer at age 44 in 1965. We were all devastated. Mary had to learn to live alone again, get a real paying job and get her driving license. She left her church secretary job and went to Ottawa Teachers College in Sept 1966. One year later on May 1967 she signed a contract to teach Home Economics for the Ottawa School Board being paid $4500 per year on probation. She taught full time at W.E Gowling School for 3 years while continuing to upgrade her skills during summers in Toronto. She loved home economics but I remember her telling me that some of the students didn't, making her life difficult. We survived.
On August 22, 1970 she married Howard Jackson Darling, a widower a few years her senior. Howard had 3 teenagers at the time: Alan (18), Francie (16) and Kevin (13). Kim (17) was in grade 12 and I (20) was at U of Waterloo. They went to B.C and California on honeymoon. Returning they each sold their family houses and all moved into 2130 Strathmore Blvd. in Ottawa's west end. Mom sold 2300 Georgina Dr. for $32,500 which had been originally mortgaged for $13,200 in December 1961. Howard was a highly educated man having graduated from U of Toronto in 1936 with a B.Comm.. He was a consultant in transportation economics having just left the Federal Gov. Department of Transport. Mom reduced her teaching to one day a week to look after the blended family.
(Photo to come)
Christmas 1971 was the first modern Ward family reunion with the Darlings, Claudia, Susan, Alison, Francia, Bud, Joan, Alan, Anne, Nana, Joan and Mrs Vincent all coming to Ottawa. In 1972, Uncle Ed brought Nana to Ottawa and regaled everyone with family stories. It was a hectic time taking care of all those teenage kids! Mary and Howard traveled extensively to Europe, the United states and all over Canada to help keep their spirits high.
Unfortunately Howard died suddenly too, in his case of a heart attack in February 1977. Mary's life was thrust into turmoil again. However being the strong woman she had become, she recovered, sold the Stathmore Blvd house and moved into state of the art Ambleside Drive apartment2011 on the 20th floor overlooking the Ottawa R.. There she spent some 20 happy productive years.
Mary became President of the Ottawa Civic Hospital Auxiliary in 1982 That year their Million Dollar Fund went over the top and there were more than 1000 volunteers! Main Street, a unique concept for a shopping mall situated in a hospital, was opened in Nov 1983. Mayor Marion Dewar gave the ceremonial opening remarks and Mom gave the closing ones. The money needed to construct and equip it had been raised by the Auxiliary and Foundation through fundraisers such as Rich Little and Frank Sinatra coming to town and activities below. She received a warm letter of congratulations and appreciation from Peter Carruthers, President. He stated that in completing the $1 million pledge and opening s hopping mall in a hospital, they had done what no other Auxiliary had done to his knowledge in Canada or the U.S..
She was also a volunteer art instructor for the Ottawa Handicapped Association for many years, helped the Alzheimer Association and in 1963 was residential district team leader for the Community Chest, precursor of the Ottawa United Way.
She hosted a Canadian Family Get Together reunion in Ottawa July 1995 at which there was sight seeing on the Hill, some golf I think, whitewater rafting and a famous 3 foot long sub-sandwich picnic. Hosted a Leap Year Tea in 2004 for Ottawa area family. Caroline and Steve hosted a great family reunion in Reno, NV in June 2000. Claudia and Aunt Francis did the same on Vancouver Island in 2005. However, Mary was not as mobile as she used to be and was unable to attend.
But she had continued to travel in the 1980s and 90s.
In 2000 she was diagnosed with colon cancer. She had surgery and was able to return to a normal life. It did take a toll on her though. She sold Ambleside Dr. for $167k in August 2002 after having moved into the Stillwater Creek Retirement Home. There she spent 10 happy years leading the spelling bee, current events and duplicate bridge club. She welcomed the family many times to dinners and special events. Sadly she passed away in 2011 at age 90 of cancer that was perhaps related to her earlier battle with it. Many tributes poured in at her funeral at St. Paul's. She is interred with Alf in Pinecrest Cemetery. She was never a burden and carried herself proudly to the end. Thank you Mom for all your love and all your example for us over so many many years
Marie Ward (Feb 22, 1921 - Sept 13, 2011) was the first child of Sydney and Mary Ward. Her brother Charles was born a year later and Sydney (Bud) 6 years later, all in Montreal. She was baptized on April 14 at Chalmers Presbyterian Church in Verdun.
Mary Ward circa 1935 |
She was a happy child it seems. She had two younger brothers to care for and loving parents. They had a black terrier called Tarbush. Notre Dame de Grace was a growing English suburb of Montreal to live in. She had lot's of friends. She went to a local grade school and Kensington First Presbyterian Church. The family would sit around the radio at night listening to Buster Keaton. On Sunday, Pop would take them all for a drive and then it would be roast beef for dinner.
Her Ward grandparents were frequent visitors and she must have gone to their place often too. Not sure about where Grandma Finnie lived then, but I am sure she was in young Mary's life too.
Appears to be Mary and Charles circa 1927 around the time Bud was born. |
Circa 1929 |
When she told Pop, he felt Charles should go instead, not her. Charles went and she didn't. She must have felt deflated and hurt over this. During summer the family would usually go to Cape Cod (Mrs. Crotchet's Cottages, Pine Lodge on the Ottawa R. near Bristol, PQ or to the Laurentians for a family vacation.
Mary circa 1937 |
Mary, 2nd last row, 5th from right |
Nurse Mary |
At Cafe Esquire with Al Davis RNCVR and friends Sept 1942 |
Official Opening of RCN Hospital HMCS Shelburne April 1945 (Mary 3rd from right) |
Alfred David Morgan circa 1944 |
Left to right, Rev., Sydney, Grandma Morgan, Burt Morgan, Margaret Dewar, Howard Jones, Charles, Mary, Alfred, Nana, Bud, Rev. Grandpa Morgan |
Marries Alfred Morgan, Montreal 1949 |
David and Mary Sept 1950 |
Mary, Kim and David, 1954 |
In 1952, they had a modest bungalow built at 905 Mountain View Ave in Ottawa's growing west end.
I can remember it well. Mary was the proverbial stay at home mother and we were well cared for by her and dad.
Growing Family |
Mom in the 2300 Georgina Dr. Exposé (I still have the painting over the fireplace and the table next to the TV) |
Tragically Alfred died of cancer at age 44 in 1965. We were all devastated. Mary had to learn to live alone again, get a real paying job and get her driving license. She left her church secretary job and went to Ottawa Teachers College in Sept 1966. One year later on May 1967 she signed a contract to teach Home Economics for the Ottawa School Board being paid $4500 per year on probation. She taught full time at W.E Gowling School for 3 years while continuing to upgrade her skills during summers in Toronto. She loved home economics but I remember her telling me that some of the students didn't, making her life difficult. We survived.
On August 22, 1970 she married Howard Jackson Darling, a widower a few years her senior. Howard had 3 teenagers at the time: Alan (18), Francie (16) and Kevin (13). Kim (17) was in grade 12 and I (20) was at U of Waterloo. They went to B.C and California on honeymoon. Returning they each sold their family houses and all moved into 2130 Strathmore Blvd. in Ottawa's west end. Mom sold 2300 Georgina Dr. for $32,500 which had been originally mortgaged for $13,200 in December 1961. Howard was a highly educated man having graduated from U of Toronto in 1936 with a B.Comm.. He was a consultant in transportation economics having just left the Federal Gov. Department of Transport. Mom reduced her teaching to one day a week to look after the blended family.
(Photo to come)
Christmas 1971 was the first modern Ward family reunion with the Darlings, Claudia, Susan, Alison, Francia, Bud, Joan, Alan, Anne, Nana, Joan and Mrs Vincent all coming to Ottawa. In 1972, Uncle Ed brought Nana to Ottawa and regaled everyone with family stories. It was a hectic time taking care of all those teenage kids! Mary and Howard traveled extensively to Europe, the United states and all over Canada to help keep their spirits high.
Retake with Alan Darling in upper left and Aunt Francis Ward 2nd from right. |
With Howard circa 1975 Vancouver |
1970s |
View from 2011-1171 Ambleside Dr. |
Fundraising in 1981 |
Heavy Hitter Benefit Concert |
Receiving an Award 1984 |
Easter Celebration with friend Mary Campbell 1990s |
But she had continued to travel in the 1980s and 90s.
At Anne Ward and Dan Surette s wedding 1991 |
On Alaskan Cruise |
90th Birthday |
Final Celebration |
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